USVI DOTourism
Ordinarily, our Tourism Clients request majesty, mystery, festivity… and for one of the videos showcased below ("USVI Tourism"), that's exactly what we focused on in the creative.
In another example ("Mocko Students"), the request was to find a way to re-engage younger local Virgin Islanders, notably boys, who continue to drift away from Tourism as an industry, and worse. The campaign was a hit, particularly with the next generation whom we hope will balance quality over quantity as they enter the local workforce.
And in other spots below, we shift the focus on Tourism so that it’s not all about the visitor while addressing very real scenarios and situations under the guidance of a revered and respected cultural icon. This approach empowers the product, the people, without letting us off the hook in the process. Balance, fairness, dignity, respect and, yes, friendship if merited are what we should be promoting for a sustainable and high quality product and life.